Forgotten Password

What if I forgot my password?

Email address:  
  The system will generate a new password and send it to your email address.

What if I can no longer access that email account?

  • If you have any thank you or reminder emails from us in your inbox, you can login by clicking the automatic login links in those emails.
  • If you are a current or former subscriber, you can login by entering either of the following in the password field:
    • If you paid using PayPal, enter the PayPal Receipt Id of your payment.  (It has the form, 1234-1234-1234-1234.)  Even if you subscribed several years ago, you can still look up this Receipt Id in your PayPal account. 
    • If you purchased your subscription at a show or received it as a door prize, you should have received a piece of paper from us containing a subscription code.  Enter that subscription code in the password field.  (It has the form, XXXXX-XXXXX-PXXXX.)
  • If none of the above works, send an email to and request a "manual password reset".  Include your old account email address, new email address, name, and ham radio call sign (if any) in your message.  Please make sure your email application and spam filters will accept messages from!