What people are saying

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Here's what people are saying:

  • “I took the Extra exam today (4/8/06) and passed it with a 92%.  During the exam, the answers just leaped off the page at me.  It was terrific.  You have a dedicated fan, and I will sing your praises to all who ask me about what works and what doesn't.  Thanks so much for a fine program.  It was easy to use, and the automatic repetition in the trouble areas eventually made it sink in.  Repetition is the key.  It definitely works.  In addition to learning the answers to the question pool, I also learned a lot about my hobby and the technical aspects of the hobby.” — Sidney, KCØOSB/AE
  • “Great product.  You guys made me pass.  I spent 8 weeks in books, but your product got me over the ‘hump’.  In 24 hours of study time, I raised my practice test scores to 90+%.  I passed Extra Class Exam 7-11-09.  I may never have made it without you.  You are a ‘must’ recommendation to fellow hams upgrading.  I am now going to be a VE.  Great job.” — John, KA4IUO
  • “I was taking a class every Saturday morning and was only able to attend 1 1/2 of those classes.  I really didn't think I was going to be able to pass the test.  Then I started using your website, and I found I was learning more and more, since that is the most helpful learning experience.  I was thrilled that I only missed one question on the test.” — KC9LRR, Phyllis
  • “I passed my Extra Today!  I had a score of 41/50.  I spent a year struggling to learn this material with other courses, but with HamTestOnline I was able to focus and make the progress necessary to pass.” — Allan, KI4HRN/AE
  • “Your excellent product has resulted in another Amateur Extra (KB3RIB).  It took less than 20 hours between July and August to learn the material.  Please remove me from your ‘nag list’.  I did my homework. :)” — Win, KB3RIB
  • WB1FBV “Just thought I'd drop you a line to tell you I passed my Extra last week.  I was amazed how much like the real tests they were when I actually took the real test!  I have had my ticket since 1976, and held an Advanced Class since 1982.” — Dale, WB1FBV
  • “Thanks for a great site.  Just passed the written Extra exam today!  I still have to do the code, but I passed the Tech back in August and then with the help of HamTestOnline passed the General and Extra in the last two months.  I scored over 90% on all three exams.  I think you have a wonderful site.  My 12 year old has passed his Tech license with your site and we are working on getting some more Scouts involved from the troop.  Thanks for your efforts.You have a great thing going.” — John, KC0UYC
  • “Passed the Extra exam. HamTestOnLine was a great help to me. Well done!”  — Howard, N6HRA
  • “I passed the General test thanks to you.” — Raleigh, KI4ICA
  • “I Passed them all!  I Think this is the best program for learning I have ever used and I have taken a lot of exams from the FAA with a similar testing program.” — Jim, K14WFO
  • “I love the site.  While I studied the new questions for the General exam, I actually took the old exam and passed it.  Now on for the extra.” — Tim, KE5LSK
  • “I have just upgraded to General.  Your HamTestOnline did help me in my studies.  You have a good site, keep it up.” — 73's, Mike, N1IOD
  • “I took the exam for Extra (and) I passed, missing only 11 questions and taking the exam one time.  I owe this totally to the program you have developed ‘Ham TestOnline’.  The program works and I would recommend it to anyone trying to acquire their Novice license to anyone trying to upgrade to the Extra class.  Thanks again for a program that changed my Ham radio career.  Thanks again for allowing amateurs to pass the different licensing levels with your study program.” — Dennis, KA6GDT
  • “I have just recently taken the FCC Technician class test, and passed it, thanks to the study questions and practice tests your site provides.” — Diane, KI6AWJ
  • “I have used HamTestOnline study now for about a month and find it to be very very well designed! I have been in electronics since I was 4 year old and have wanted my ham ticket for almost as long. This service is the best I have ever seen and like many have said (it works!). I think this service is the best and by all means the fairest at 2 years. I have told all my friends about it.”  — Al Grabenbauer, Al's Electronics

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