What people are saying
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Here's what people are saying:
“I'm just another happy user. After 15 years of failing to get through the books, I finally found HamTestOnline and passed Technician (100%) and General after 10 hours of study, and Extra a month later, 20 hours. Much less pain, very efficient, very effective, and well worth the price.” — Nate, KE7FAW
“I recently passed my Technician license test. I couldn't have done it without your help. I was taking a class originally, and after I took the test with the class and failed, I was devastated, so my friend bought me a subscription to your website, and that changed everything.” — Jess (16 years old), KC2NSJ
“I used HamTestOnline to study for my Extra exam and took the test on July 5, 2008. I could not have passed if I had not used HamTestOnline. Books were OK, but HamTestOnline is a lot better than studying a book. HamTestOnline played a major part in making sure I was prepared to passed the extra exam the first time.” — George, W4ZPH
“I just attended a VE session and went from a Technician (KD6ADY) to an Extra (AJ4IW) after two months of HamTestOnline! One of the greatest aspects of your product is that the Study mode ‘quizzes’ you to determine where a student needs to focus instead of wasting time on information the student has already mastered. I am a believer and I'm telling my friends about it!” — Nick, AJ4IW
“I took the Technician on October 27th and aced it, and then took the General and aced it. My new callsign is KJ4AES.” — Duke, KJ4AES
***UPDATE*** “I successfully upgraded to Amateur Extra Class on Jan 15,2008, and received the grant through FCC ULS on Jan 24.” — KJ4AES, Duke
“I passed my Extra Exam today with only one wrong 3/29/09.” — 73, Travis, W9HDG/AE, W9HDG Assistant Emergency Coordinator, Marathon County ARES/RACES Assistant District Emergency Coordinator, NE WI ARES/RACES
“On 4-3-08 passed General 33/35 and Extra 48/50.” — Pete, KF4PDH
“I passed the General on 2/2/08. Thanks to HamTestOnline. :)” — Wayne, KF4UCF
“Passed Extra first time today, April 5th. There were no surprises, was a snap.” — Charlie, WB6ABR
“I'm really enjoying HamTestOnline. The links and illustrations clarify the concepts beyond just studying for the test. It's a great companion to the ARRL Extra Class License Manual, and it runs perfectly on my Macintosh.” — Michael, KI6BWH
“Took the Tech exam (element 2) last Sat. and passed. The practice at your web site was a big help to me, and I felt very confident of passing when I went in for the exam. Will return for study.” — Dan, KE7GWW
“I upgraded to extra class on the 14th of January. Thanks very much for your assistance in this achievement. I really liked the way HTO.com directed me to my weak points of the test so I could study harder in those areas.” — Larry, W5LJM
“I am thrilled with your web site. I certainly am not disappointed paying the small fee to join. I took elements 1, 2 & 3 in November, 2005 and easily passed. I took element 4 exam last week in passed with an outstanding score. Thanks to HamTestOnline.com that made my studying a lot easier.” — John, (K8NLL) or soon to be ???? 1x2
“HamTestOnline presented the material in the way my brain works and helped reinforce the questions I found difficult through its intelligent repetition. With only 1 week of study I passed my Amateur Extra exam without missing a single question! For someone studying for their exams I would suggest the following; First, get the ARRL's Q&A book for the exam you are studying for, it's a hand guide with brief introductions to all the theory behind the questions. Second, subscribe to HamTestOnline.com. It's much more then an online quiz, it helps you study and works with you on your weak areas. Finally, once you think you are ready for the test, go through the ARRL book and put red dots on any questions you miss or struggle with. There are 2 reasons for this suggestion. First the exams are given on paper and switching to an interactive online test to a paper test can trip you up. Second you can take the book with you to the exam and flip through it and refresh your memory on the questions with red dots so they are fresh in your mind. Using this method it only took me a week of study to pass my exam, plus I truly learned most of the theory behind the questions (which is kind of the point of all of this). Keep up the great job,” — Greg, KC0URX Amateur Extra
“Tried several trial programs before subscribing to this one. It is by far the best. Took the Element 2, Technician test today and aced it.” — Del
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