What people are saying
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Here's what people are saying:
“Just wanted to let you know I passed my Element 2 test at 100%!!! I studied for just 12 hours on HamTestOnline.com and was blown away on how the right answer just leapt off the test booklet page. Absolutely amazing! You have created such an awesome service for the amateur radio service. This is, without a doubt, the best way to study for exams! Your site shows all your hard work. I love to tell people how easy HamTestOnline is to use. You guys are awesome!” — Steve, KE7HLS
“Passed my Extra exam in Orlando a couple of weeks ago. Couldn't have done it without HamTestOnline!! You made it easy and fun to study for the test.” — Mike, W0RSR
“Passed the Extra test with no problems. An excellent study system. The program is the only way to go.” — John, WB6VWG
“I took my Tech and my General test today and passed both!!!! WAHOO!!!!!” — Terry, KJ4EZX
“PASSED!!! HamTestOnline provides the best training/study guide for Amateur Radio. Passed the Extra exam today with a score of 86%.” — Richard, KA4TIE
“I passed the extra class test Nov 5, 2005 and got 50/50.” — Gus, W1GUS
“I passed both the Tech. and General test on Feb. 28, 2009. Your program was a great help. I was only going to take the Tech. part of the exam until I found your website. So from not knowing anything , and I mean not anything, about ham radio, I studied for 9 days, I was able to pass both test with perfect scores. Your program was a great help.” — Mark, KE5ZOZ
“Just wanted to let you know that I've now received the coveted ‘temporary AG’ suffix to my call sign! 100% on the Technician Exam on 10/07/08. 100% on the General Exam on 12/27/08. It certainly wouldn't have happened this quickly nor as successfully without the help on HamTestOnline! Your site and support are greatly appreciated! Happy New Year & 73's” — Chuck, KJ4HBK
“Passed Elements 2 and 3 March 03, 2007! I told my club members it was intense studying on HamTestOnline that allowed me to successfully complete Elements 2 & 3 in 2 months!” — Melissa, KD0AAK
“I passed my Technician Class test about a month ago. Only missed 3!!! Yours is the best website out there. A buddy and I will be using your site to study for the General Class test in March 06.” — Myles, KC0VPZ
“I earned my Technician on 12/01/07. I earned my General in January 2008. On March 1st I took the Extra class exam and am proud to say I PASSED and am now an EXTRA. I couldn't have earned my Ham ticket without you.” — Michael, KE5RSI
“After one week of using your website I passed the Technician and General tests this morning, having missed only 3 out of the total 70 questions. I am now embarking on doing the same to the Extra class exam. This was a hell of a lot easier than when I got a General class (that I let expire) over thirty years ago. Too bad we didn't have the internet in 70's instead of those old boring hard to understand courses.” — Bruce, KB1PRK
***UPDATE*** “Just to let you know that I passed the Extra class test this morning two weeks after passing the Technician/General tests. My score was 47/50 for the Extra, making it only 6 missed out of the total for all three exams.”
“On Nov. 18th I took & passed the Amateur Extra exam. Your site was a great help in passing the exam.” — 73's, Eddie, KG4URR.
“I was really impressed. The best program to study with that I have seen. I studied for all the exams using HamTestOnline and passed all within a 2 year period and obtained a perfect score for the extra exam.” — Ken, KF1O
“I passed my Tech missing only 1 question. HamTestOnline was great.” — Randy KI4DGU
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