What people are saying

Please send your comments, suggestions, complaints, and other feedback to sales@qa.testonline.com.

Here's what people are saying:

  • “I passed my General yesterday.  I scored 100%!!!!  HamTestOnline is the best testing tool EVER.  I tell everyone about it.” — 73, Mike, KJ4EGF
  • “I will be testifying to the quality of the product and showing everyone my new EXTRA class license!  This morning I took the Extra class exam and wrote a perfect test!   There are several online tests available, but none are as thorough as HamtestOnline.  I particularly like the way your system repeats incorrectly answered question time and time again – (it sure worked for me).  I would heartily recommend your system.”  — Ralph, N0AWN
  • K6UGM “I am happy to say that I passed with 100 percent correct.  Your review program was a major help to me.  I will recommend this web site to anyone thinking about getting their ham license.  Thank you for your outstanding program.” — Bob, KI6JLY (applying for old callsign - K6UGM)

    *** UPDATE: ***  “Great program, I took the Extra test this afternoon, and missed one question, Yea!  Your program helped tremendously.” — Bob, K6UGM
  • “Just wanted you know that I passed the General test today on 01/12/08 - all 35 questions correct with the help of HamTestOnline.  I look foward to acquiring my Extra License.  Your website it has helped me to pass the Tech.& General tests with 100% accuracy.”

    ***UPDATE***: “Just thought I'd drop you a message that I took the Extra test on 03/08/08 and passed it with 45 correct out of 50.  Your website helped make it possible to study for this.” — Chuck, KC2SPL
  • “Upgraded to Extra on 8/21/06 with 98%” — Bill, N7WFH
  • “I started your program on 1/3/2007 and passed my Extra Class License on 2/3/2007 with 98%.  I really like that it lets you click to study the explanation and repeats the questions that you miss until you learn them.  TNX HamTestOnline” — K9EFN, Glen
  • “Passed element 3 and got the General.  Missed only two thanks to you guys!  Now it's time to study for that Extra!” — Mike, KE5OAP
  • “I had my exam for Technician last Sat.  I completed the test in 8 mins and had only 1 wrong answer. I have no doubt HamTestOnline was a huge contributor to my success!” — Deb, KC0UYX
  • “Took my exam and passed.  I am very pleased with HamTestOnline, as it really made my exam easy and fun.  I will continue with my studies until I have completed and passed even the Extra class exam.  I will recommend you to ALL of my Ham friends.” — Bob, KJ4FAD
  • “I studied with Hamtestonline and passed my Technician Exam with no problem on the first try.  Great product!” — Rob, KB1NQX
  • “I passed the General test thanks to you.” — Raleigh, KI4ICA
  • “You guys are the greatest.  I enjoyed using this tool, and found it to be the best study method.  I took the Extra exam 9-15-07 and passed with flying colors!  Only a total of 29 hours to complete it!  Thank you for the opportunity to learn on your site.” — 73, Rich, WB4A
  • “I am very pleased to report that this evening I took the General exam and passed with 35/35.  HamTestOnline provided superb help and did an excellent job of preparing me for the test.  I look forward to working on the Extra challenge, and it is my goal to earn my upgrade before the first of the year.” — 73, Monte, K2MLS
  • “I passed elements 2, and 3 tonight in Tucson.  HamTestOnline made it easy!  I just used your site and crammed all this week.  The tests were not a problem!  I spent today with some Morse code review, and passed element 1 too.  I'm going to start working on the Extra, and take the element 4 test in December.” — Mike
  • “When I took element 4 in May, I passed with a perfect score. One of the humorous things about the Extra Class test I received was that it had some printing errors which made it impossible to get the correct answer by solving the given problem.  However, I remembered the solutions from your problem sets and was able to identify the errors in the questions presented. So, yes, using your site was a really great investment, both in money and time.” — Paul

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