What people are saying

Please send your comments, suggestions, complaints, and other feedback to sales@qa.testonline.com.

Here's what people are saying:

  • “On March 28th, 2009, after two weeks of focused use of your service, I aced the Extra test.  I have used HamTestOnline for all three elements and passed each with a score of 100%.  Thank you for a great product.” — Rick, KC9NIY/AE
  • “I went from zero knowledge about amateur radio to Extra in 5 weeks with HamTestOnline! Passed all three tests on the first try with avg score above 90! Excellent product!!”  — Buddy, K4JET
  • “Just wanted to tell you that I took the Extra exam last night.  It took me a total six minutes to complete the entire exam, including filling out the personal data on the answer sheet.  The three examiners were very surprised when I finished so quickly and were quite amazed when they discovered that I had only missed one question.  The only reason I was so well prepared was because of your material and manner of presentation.  I could not have prepared in so short a time without the help of your excellent site.  I would recommend your course to everyone as worth every cent!!” — Vy 73, Bill, K3CUU
  • “The ‘intelligent’ focus of the software on my weak areas really helped me prepare for the General exam.  I also found the brief explanations related to each question to be extremely helpful in bringing the concepts into focus.  I passed with a 97 yesterday… and I knew the one I missed!  I now plan to read-up and begin the prep for the Extra.  Thanks again for a great product!” — Jim, W1SJF
  • “I took all three elements (2, 3, & 4) on the 19th of November at Columbia University in New York City and passed all three elements, so now I am waiting for my Amateur Extra Class license.  The course works, it is a winner.  I am fortunate to have discovered your website on Google.” — Cheers and 73, David, AB2XZ
  • “I started studying using the ARRL book over a year ago.  Never had the confidence to take the test and did not have a good pre-test review plan.  When I heard about HamTestOnline and took the free sample session, I knew you had the answer to both problems.  Now, a few weeks later, it didn't matter what 35 questions I got, I knew the answers and the why's behind the answers.  This is a wonderful way to prepare for testing.  I've never had a better study experience.” — Brian, KE5FXP
  • “Rating: Five-of-Five.  I subscribed my 12 y/o daughter to ‘Ham Test Online’ after trying the ‘Now Your Talking’ text and ALL of the freebie online tests for her, from age 10 'til 12.  Like they say, ya get what ya pay for; about 2-to-3 weeks after subscribing to and using ‘Ham Test Online’, my 12 y/o became KD7WIN.  Ham Test Online provides 2-yr access per subscription, and my daughter seems encouraged to give upgrading a go, largely because she enjoys how ‘Ham Test Online’ presents the study to her.”  — W7DAH
  • “I just wanted to let you guys know that all you told me about the program when I talked to you at Dayton is true.  I have wanted to study for the Extra class license for years but didn't have the discipline to do it myself.  I picked up your program while at the Hamvention, came home, and started studying.  I took the Extra exam on June 10th and passed with flying colors.  Thanks to your excellent program, I am now an Extra!!  I couldn't have done it without you.  I will return to the program to study, because I find it very helpful in expanding my ham knowledge, but I'm taking a few weeks off to bask in the pleasure of my recent achievement.  I'm recommending it to others.  It is great!!” — Jim, N0DNY

    “Carpe Diem!  Today is more important than tomorrow!!”
  • “It's a good day, I passed my EXTRA test 50/50.  Once I finally decided to follow through, it was easy.  I love the way your test allows one to learn.  I am probably older than most, at 68.  My short term memory is very bad.  I found that I could select a subject and learn that before moving on to another.  I have told everyone I meet that is interested in ham radio about your system of teaching.  It really works, even when one misses a question, it's back in your face a few minutes later, you can't miss.  I didn't realize I had 74 computer hours, but when it came to the test it was very simple, I wasn't scared and I was really prepared for a hard test.  The Trig. and rectangle coordinates to polar was the hardest for me.  I am so glad I don't have to study anymore, but it was fun.  It is a great learning tool.” — 73, Dave, NN5DW (ex-N5NPG)
  • “Two weeks ago I passed the written part of the General Exam with only 2 incorrect answers.  I'll continue on studying for my Extra exam now using HamTestOnline.” — Stephen, KB1NUF.
  • “With your help, I'm an Amateur Extra.  Tnx 4 ur hlp.” — 73, Joe, KA2THO.
  • “On 01/24/09 I passed my basic with an 95%, which gives me all band coverage.  I wish to thank HamTestOnline for helping me get there” — Trevor, VA3UTB
  • “Good news!  Yesterday I passed my Element 3, General Class FCC license test, with the score of 35 out of 35... 100% correct.  Is that fine business, or what?   Part of that success is due to HamTestOnline for the great help it provided me in organizing my study and identifying my areas of weakness for more intensive study.  The practice exams are priceless, and I would recommend your program to anyone trying to learn and pass the ham radio exams.” — Di, KI6DSW/Temp AG
  • “I can't say enough good things about HamTestOnline, the adaptive learning with it set to focus on your weak areas really helps.  I used it for Elements Two, Three and Four.  My total for all three Elements was 118/120.” — Everett, KE5MMT (Yahoo Ham Radio Help Group)
  • “You have a really nice program.  It's a lot of fun, kind of like a game.  Makes learning interesting.” — Thomas, N7KCX

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