What people are saying

Please send your comments, suggestions, complaints, and other feedback to sales@qa.testonline.com.

Here's what people are saying:

  • “I subscribed on 10/25/2006 and passed all elements today, 11/04/2006 (10 days later).  Element 2 - 35/35, element 3 - 32/35, element 4 - 38/50, and the code test.  Best $50.00 I ever spent on electronics!” — Ken, call sign pending
  • “Passed Extra, only 5 wrong, 90%.  Good program!  I got the ARRL Extra manual and did not make any progress studying with it.  I found that your adaptive learning technique worked well with my style of learning.  I will freely recommend your service.” — Rich, WA3FPK
  • “I'm pleased to tell you that I passed the Technician entry level exam with a score of 95%. Your web tutorial is tops. I'm now studying for the ‘senior class’ tickets.”

    ***UPDATE*** 1/03/06 - “I wish to report that last Saturday I passed the examination with a most impressive score. My written test scores and commitment have not gone unnoticed, and I have been asked to join my local radio club that administers the tests plus be sponsored for VE status.  My time spent and the subscription paid was indeed well worth it. I certainly will refer others to your site.  It's the best tutoral on the market today!” — Jim, KB1MPD
  • K7JAS “One thing I learned about myself is that teaching style can make all the difference.  Not everyone learns and retains information in the same way.  I went to a two day crash course for Technician and found that most the information went right over my head.  For the next two days before the testing, I basically just memorized the Q & A.  I passed my Tech with 91%.  The problem is I really didn't learn or retain the material.

    “About a week later I decided I wanted to also get my General so I purchased a Manual and started to actually read it instead of just doing Q & A.  That wasn't sinking in because I would read a page and the next day would have to start over again and re-read it because I couldn't remember what I read the day before.  I do have a point, trust me I'm getting to it!

    “Next I tried a Pod Class, and although they had some good tips for remembering the material they presented, it wasn't sticking.

    “So, after abandoning all hope that I could do this, I was actually looking at the advertisements in the back of my ARRL General Manual and found your website.  After doing your 50 free study questions, I was hooked, and I just wanted you to know that I subscribed on 28 January 2009 and took my General Test on 31 January 2009 and passed with 94%.  I think I missed two questions.  So my learning style is definitely interactive and hands on.  I will definitely recommend your site to everyone I talk to about Ham Radio.  Again, much thanks for this awesome interactive teaching service.” — Jackie, K7JAS
  • “Passed the examination for the Extra Class license with a perfect grade (100%).” — Nick, K3NSA
  • “In mid-November I decided that I wanted to go from Advanced to Extra and purchased a copy of the ARRL License Manual. I went through that, but could not pass one of the on-line tests after repeated tries. I signed up for your service a few days ago and have already passed the sample test a number of times, and just obtained an 84% on the latest one. I plan to take the test on March 19 and am sure that I will pass on the first time.”  — Rick, KF9SQ
  • “Your program works GREAT!!  After 33 years of putting off taking the ‘Final’ test.  I passed it with no trouble at all!” — Kevin, K3ITT
  • “Thanks for your good study program.  I took the exams for General and Amateur Extra this last Saturday and passed both.  I recommend your site to anyone preparing for their tests.” — Robert, KB1MOK
  • “I've been a licensed amatuer for 40 years, and have held every class of license issued by the FCC.  I finally upgraded from Advanced Class to Amateur Extra.  Your study program was very effective.  Only missed two of the fifty questions on Element 4.  Thanx for the help!” — Best 73's, Clyde, WB0RTA
  • “I subscribed to your site to help my daughter (who is eight) study for her Technician license.  Then I saw how well it worked and decided to study to get my General and Extra license as well.  You have a very effective tool for learning.” — Henry, KB1MSK
  • “HamTestOnline has helped me to upgrade during these busy times. I wish I had HamTestOnline years ago when I was going for Tech., Gen. and Advanced classes. It would have been a big help.  Keep up the good work.”  — Pat, KN4MA
  • “Passed the Extra Class Ham Test today.  Would have never been able to do it with out your online course.  It wasn't easy since I am close to 73 yrs old and didn't do much studying for years.  Glad I used it and thanks for having a course of this caliber on line.” — Martin, KA3CAM/AE
  • “Your course is a blessing:  I received my General Class in 1950 and my Advanced Class somewhere in the early '50s.  If truth be known, I've forgotten more than I've ever learned or used, but do plan to take the Extra Class exam early in 2007, thanks to your great teaching software.” — 73 and happy holidays, Ben, W2FNX.
  • “Hello, I have taken my ham radio exam for Technician and I passed it thanks to HamTestOnline.  I have really enjoyed and learned something with this program.  I will continue to use it because it is great for review.”  — Dahleen
  • “Great site!  Purchased a subscription in March to prepare for my Technician.  Being a former US Navy Radar technician, theory wasn't a problem — just the peculiars of amateur radio.  I was very pleased with the manner of delivery and questions.  When I tested in April, I didn't have a single problem.  When I tested for General this month (September), passed as well.  Now using the website to study for my Extra class.  Good job!”  — Rene, KB3JLZ

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