What people are saying
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Here's what people are saying:
“I invested only 50 hours and walked away with my EXTRA Class ticket on the first try yesterday... went from zero knowledge, no motivation, and utter frustration (wanting to upgrade for years) until I discovered HamTestOnline... everything else I had tried to study was worthless to me. HamTestOnline is perfect for anyone who wants a top ham license but does not want a degree in engineering. I highly recommend it! GREAT GREAT GREAT.” — 73, Robb, NN2RL (ex-WB2HNP)
“I just passed the Technician, General, and the Extra exams in one sitting because of HamTestOnline. It's a wonderful system you set up.” — 73's, Ken, AB9SG
“You have a great product here! Reading out of a book can be boring, but reviewing and learning with HamTestOnline is a sure way to success! I highly endorse this product.” — 73, Mike, W6QT
“I took the General class exam on Tuesday March 4, 2008, and passed with flying colors. I would recommend your online course to anyone interested in getting their ham radio ticket. Your course is simply the best. I only missed 2 questions. That was on the first try. Anyway, I will keep you informed about the Extra class. I am going to begin studying for the Extra class ticket right away.” — John, WD9BIP/AG
“Hi, passed my Extra today wowo happy camper. Hey, thanks so much for the site. It was easy on my eyes way better than those books. I hate reading them; really hurts your eyes you know what I mean. Your site was wonderful.” — 73, Bill, N3GSN/AE hahahahhahhhahha
“Just to say that HamTestOnline is the very best way to study and pass an exam. It is a brilliant concept and most effective way to study. I pretty much mastered the material, and it is far and away fabulous! Thank you for offering free trials. Perhaps my friends and children will become subscribers, it really pays off! Good luck--I will definitely spread the word!” — Nancy
“Got my Tech July 26. Got my General August 2. Both thanks primarily to HamTestOnline. I found it the most valuable tool for studying.” — Linda, KE5VPI
“7-12-08 passed General. This is a great resource. Now I will be studying for Extra class.
***UPDATE** “Passed Extra, missed 1 of 50, Nov 8th, 2008.” — 73, Lonnie, KC9MNQ
“Thank you so much for this wonderful program. I never was good at school (Dropped out of the 7th grade) and was always slow at learning. In Feb. 05 I started the free trial for 2 weeks and passed my Tech in March and today, Oct. 15 passed my General. This site is the greatest learning tool for people like me that have a hard time learning. I wished I heard about your program years ago. Thank you” — Robt, W8OLO
“Just wanted to let you know that I took my Technician class exam on June 7. I passed with a score of 100% thanks to your program. Now it's on to the code test and the General class.” — Calvin, KE5IYI
"This is a wondrous opportunity to learn; the way HamTestOnline presents and uses conditional repetition to train me according to my specific problem areas is a miracle. Not only do I learn the material but it remains with me. This is not simply a methodology for passing an exam element, but a vehicle for learning. I aced element 2 and look forward to taking the element 3 exam next week. I am 62 years old and I've had two strokes. Memory deficiencies are a significant problem in my life. HamTestOnline works for me and it will work for anyone that will put in the time. I purchased the program because of the guarantee - but that's not necessary because the program works. Congratulations!” — Alfred, KE5SBG
“I just wanted to say thanks for your help in my passing the Extra exam. I took the test today and missed 4 of the 50 questions. Thanks for your help in achieving this goal.” — Steve, KC9UT
“Sirs, thank you for your service and assistance in my recent passing my General license, missing two. Now on to my Extra class.” — JIm, W6FXL
“I passed my Extra Class Exam today with flying colors. Proves that even a 65 year old can learn new tricks when the new tricks are properly taught.” — Gary, W0EMS
“I take my test tomorrow, and would not have been prepared for it without your website. I am pretty sure I will ACE it. I am taking the Extra Class Element 4 exam.”
*** UPDATE!!! *** “I just wanted to let you know I passed the Element 4 exam this morning. I got a 100% on it. If it were not for your repetitive questioning of my weak areas, I would not have done so well.” — Mike, W4KTX
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