What people are saying
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Here's what people are saying:
“I was a Tech plus for several years. Several months ago I subscribed to your service. After one week I was a General, two weeks following that I am an Extra. What a great program. Thanks for your help.” — Ken, WB5Y
“I have found your online ‘study source’ to really be a superior product. I have used two print sources and have found yours to provide a clearer explanation of difficult points, and I expect to pass with your help.” — 73, Bill, K5YEM
“I just passed the Extra Exam with a 98%. I also used HamTestOnline for my Technician and General Exams. Your website makes it so easy to study for these exams!” — Martin, W9MHB
“I am the Emergency Management Planner for the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State and used your site to prepare for the Tech test. After 2 days of immersion in your site, I took the test... finished in about 5 minutes and did not miss a question. We are so grateful. What a resource! I look forward to using your site for my license upgrades.” — Phil, KE7KWB
“Enjoyed using HamTestOnline.com to study for my Technician, General and Extra class tests. Just over 30 hours contact time, and I passed with flying colors.” — Richard, AJ4UX
“Aloha from Hawaii. Wanted to congratulate you on an excellent site. I recently studied here while prepping for my Tech/General exams, and it was time worthwhile spent! Just got certified as a General & got my ham license! My new callsign is WH7EN (uls database). You have excellent study materials and up-to-date question pools. I will be studying for my Extra class license in the coming months. Yes, your website really helps people pass!”
***UPDATE*** “Just to let you know, because of your website and additional study materials, I passed my Amateur extra exam easily. Your website is well laid out and user friendly. You have helped me immensely and will no doubt help many more pass as well!” — Mahalo & 73s Albert, WH7EN
“I passed my element 4 extra class exam two Saturdays ago, and I'm now in the FCC database as an Extra! My score was 48/50, and there wasn't a question on the test that I didn't recognize. My next big challenge is picking out a new extra class vanity call sign. 73,” — Brett, KD7TBD
“Your website is setup nicely and I like the fact that it drills the questions you miss over and over again till you get it right. The links that are made available for some of the questions helps to better understand the theory. 73” — Bill
“I Passed my Tech,General, and Extra in 1 year. All with the help of HamTestOnline - Very good program. Thanks again for putting toegether a great program. I learned a lot and was applying the info learned as I studyed for the Extra license. I have told all my Ham friends that want to upgrade.” — 73s, Dean, K9MPM
“I just wanted to let you know the final results of my Extra exam... Sadly, I only missed one question out of 50. :( (insert BIG grin here)” — 73, Jed, KE7FDT, (soon to be AD7Kx)
“Passed extra exam 09/16/06.” — 73's Bob, W7TSS
“Already got ticket and will be studying for General during winter months. Thanks again for tests that made it easy for me to accquire my ‘Tech’ ticket.” — Larry, KE5KGP
“I upgraded to General Feb 23rd, 2007, I'll be back to study for Extra next week. I do like your website for study and practice exams and will certainly need the help for the Extra upgrade.” — Larry, KD5VWS
“Thanks for the reminder, however on 1/9/07 I passed the FCC exams: element 2 35/35, element 3 33/35, and element 4 50/50.” — Regards, Dan, VE3MCL
“Great study tool. I have been procrastinating for years. My wife got me a subscription for our anniversary, and the next month I passed my Tech (element 2) exam. Now it’s on to code…” — Don
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