What people are saying
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Here's what people are saying:
“I think HamTestOnline is the Best place on line for learning there is!! The club and all the Ham Web pages I belong two, recommend ‘HamTestOnline’!! Again, Keep Up the Good Work. You got my vote for the best way to study for a Ham License.” — 73, David, KF4RQW
“I've accomplished more in the last three days (in terms of studying for the Extra exam), than in the last three years of lugging around the ARRL study guide. I hope to report back that I finally have access to the lower 25khz of the CW bands... my only real reason for doing this. I'm actually quite proud to hold an 'old-time' Advanced license.” — Gregg, W0MPR
“I'm now a ham. I aced my Technician test, 35 out of 35, on November 8th and I'm now KC0YWK! HamTestOnline made it possible. I'm planning on taking my General in January.” — Darrell, KC0YWK.
“Thanks again for HamTestOnline and an Elmer which helped me get my Tech. Especially great helping a person with very bad learning disabilities.” — Tom, KB1MJF
“The website was great! When I felt good about General, I noticed there wasn't a test session for another week, so I went on for Extra. I was able to pass both my General and Extra first time in one test session. I've already recommended the site to a friend.” — 73, KE4WIN (Extra)
“Used HamTestOnline to study for and pass my Technician Class three weeks ago. I passed my General Upgrade tonight!” — Kent, KI4YRU
“I passed my Extra test today with flying colors!!! You are welcome to use my jumping up and down remarks.” — 73 de, Scotty, K6ZNL
“Hello! Had I known more about your site as I was studying for my other Ham tests, I surely would have visited more often. However, I only learned about it while studying for my Extra. My results were much like that predicted by taking that test on your site. I only missed 2 questions. My test was Tuesday, 3/19. I will be sure to pass your site along to other hams as they study for their upgrades.” — 73, Jeffrey, KI4NDR
“After being an Advanced for some 20 years, I was inspired by this Site to try for Extra Class... Tested this week for Element 4, and passed. Thanks for the inspiration. This is a very helpful site. I have suggested it to others.” — Merl
“I took the Tech, Gen, and Extra Class tests all at once and passed all. New call is AB9RD. Can use tests now to keep up for possible VE examiner.” — Vy 73, Dave, AB9RD
“I passed the Extra Class test on February 9th at Orlando. Not bad for a 71 year old guy. I really appreciated going through my test preparation using your site. The repetition is a great way to reinforce learning. This is a great way to study.” — 73's, Bob, WA1KVW
“With the help of your course, I have obtained my Canadian Advanced Certificate. I would recommend this course to anyone who is going for a ham ticket.” — 73 de Harvey, VA3HBD
“Thanks for having such a great practice test online! It made my Technician exam a breeze....91%.” — Jeff, KC0YSZ
“When You have the right tools everything is easier. Passed the Extra Class, 73s.” — Mack, K9MAH
“I took the Technician test last Saturday, passed with 97% - missed one - drat! Will start the next level in a couple of weeks. The site does the job nicely.” — John, KG6UFL
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