What people are saying
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Here's what people are saying:
“I think HamTestOnline is the Best place on line for learning there is!! The club and all the Ham Web pages I belong two, recommend ‘HamTestOnline’!! Again, Keep Up the Good Work. You got my vote for the best way to study for a Ham License.” — 73, David, KF4RQW
“I've accomplished more in the last three days (in terms of studying for the Extra exam), than in the last three years of lugging around the ARRL study guide. I hope to report back that I finally have access to the lower 25khz of the CW bands... my only real reason for doing this. I'm actually quite proud to hold an 'old-time' Advanced license.” — Gregg, W0MPR
“I passed my Element 4/Extra Class upgrade today, April 20, 2008 with a score of 47 out of 50! Thank you for your absolutely superb study site! It allowed me to take the exam with confidence.” — 73, Anthony, K8ALM
“I subscribed on December 12, studied my butt off and last night (January 4) I passed my Element 4! I'm an Extra! The great thing about taking the test was I ‘Aced’ the test...50 questions and not a wrong answer. Truly incredible for me! When I started studying, I was very unsure that I would be able to pass it, as I had been out of amateur radio for many years and having to catch up with technology was a daunting task for me. I was pleasently surprised how easy it was to remember the questions and answers after being repeated over and over.” — Dewayne “Duck” Moore, WB5BNQ
“I just passed my Extra class exam after about a week of intensive use of your program. I can't be more pleased. I'm recommending it to all my friends who've been trying for Extra for years and never made it.” — Al, WB1EFN
“Just did my final ‘logout’ on HamTestOnline. You got me through 2, 3, and 4 extra in seven weeks, averaging about an hour a day online. I passed 2 and 3 two weeks ago and 4 today. A friend of mine just signed up. We were both hams over twenty years ago, lost interest, didn’t renew our licenses, and decided it was time to get back into ham radio. A lot has changed, and HamTestOnline made it easy to catch up.”— Bill, ex-KC2RYZ, now NJ2H
“Thanks so much for your help, I recently passed my Extra exam with a 96%.” — Wayne, AD5XR
“You can take me off of your [autoreminder] mailing list, I passed! :) I took all three tests and passed them and couldn't be happier with the service. The tests were exactly the same as what I studied. In total I studied about 3 or 4 days for the tests and passed with a good margin to spare. The service was well worth the money. :)” — Jeff, (awaiting callsign!)
“I passed Technician on April 5, General on May 24, and the Extra test today (Dec 3). Your website made the difference for me.” — George, NY7N
“I studied for 6 hours on your site on Friday, and passed my Technician Exam the next morning, only missing 3.” — Tim, KE7KVO
“Just a thanks for helping me pass the Tech and General on Feb 4. Going to take the Extra exam on 3/4/09.” — Larry, KJ4JIP
“OBTW I did pass the Tech test at 100% using your program. I will be taking the General Jan 20, and plan to get 100% there too. I've got a ways to go for the Extra...” — Todd, KE5IMA.
“I took the test on sunday and passed. It took me 50 years to decide to do this.” — Janet, KB3PLW
“I took the General Exam for the 1st time on December 4th and ace'd it. Got a 100%! I think drilling with your program definitely got me there faster than I otherwise would have reading the ARRL license manual alone. On to the Extra exam!” — Regards, Tony, KB8KDT
“I've been enjoying your program immensely and will likely take elements 2, 3, and 4 all in one sitting! Thanks for the great program.” — Todd, (No call yet!)
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