What people are saying
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Here's what people are saying:
“I studied with HamTestOnline for my General, took the test on the 10th of May, and passed 34/35. The study material is great, and I would recommend it to anybody.” — Larry, KA0TLW
“I spent about 12 hours studying on your site, and today I passed my Extra class with flying colors.” — David, KI4ESE
“On April 26 I slew one of the dragons in my life! What a wonderful learning tool you have.” — 73's! Bob, KE7GUO
“I have been using the site for two days and love it! This is going to be a great help to me on my Extra exam. I really can't thank you enough, based on what I've seen so far. Awesome! I'll spread the word about HamTestOnline and also your kindness in helping the amateur community too.” — 73, Trey, KI4ITV (I'll let you know when I pass.)
*** UPDATE *** “Thanks again for all of your efforts. You have another successful customer here. I passed the Extra exam in Dec. of 2006, and I wanted to thank you guys again for all you do. I will continue to pass on my positive HamTestOnline experience to anyone who may be interested in such a product. Thanks and 73 from another Hamtest Online Extra!” — Trey, KI4ITV
“After 2 weeks of studing with HamTestOnLine, I passed my Extra at the Dayton Hamvention, I still plan on coming back for refreshers to keep me up to speed. I would recommend this to anyone! Believe me, I brag you up every chance that I get. Please feel free to use my name and call as someone who is VERY HAPPY with your service. Thanks for a great product!” — Bob, N8YGG
“Just passed my Extra test last night thanks to HamTestOnline. Thought I'd let you know that a bunch of the guys at the Delta Amateur Radio Club were singing the praises of HamTestOnline last night. I overheard multiple conversations about it. It works!! I'm proof of that!! Keep up the good work!! I have and will continue to recommend HamTestOnline to everyone I know who is interested in either becoming a ham or upgrading,” — Wayne, KB4ZLE/AE
“On Mon, Oct 6, 2008, passed my tech exam 35/35, thanks for the good program!
****UPDATE**** “More good news, last weekend I took my General exam and I passed 34/35. After that the VE’s said I could ‘try’ the Extra exam. I took the test and I passed that too! I am now an Amateur Extra thanks to HamTestOnline.” — Matt, KD8JKV
“I took the General and passed after using the course for just 9 hours over a 1 week period. It made my study so much easier and gave me the confidence to take the test with no worries. I will be taking the next exam in a month or so. Great system.” — 73's, Jerry, KL1SX
“HamTestOnline, I took my General test 1.5 weeks ago and passed it with flying colors. Now on to my Extra.” — Ken, KE5QBZ
“Thank you for such a great way to study for my licenses. I just passed my Extra, only missing 3. My husband (KC6TVF) also subscribed to your system and he passed (but he missed 4). I tell everyone that this the BEST way to get their ham license and/or upgrade.” — Michele, KC7LIF
“You Made it Possible. I just passed the Extra exam today after 45 years as a ham. I tried the books. I tried a class. Then I tried HamTestOnline. HTO was what put me across the line into the pass category. The ability to study in the comfort of your hamshack whenever you have a moment made studying fun. It sure beats crossword puzzles as a way to relax. I learned more than enough to pass the exam, but I intend to keep learning with your program for a bit more. It is just plain rewarding fun. You have a great product and I really enjoyed working with it.” — 73 Tim, WA4CLK
“I took my Element 4 exam last Saturday and passed with a 94%! This was after only two weeks studying on your site and reading the ARRL Extra book. Your site is awesome and really helped me accelerate my learning. If I had only the book to reference it would have taken me weeks, maybe months longer. I will definitely be speaking highly to others about your site.” — 73, Scott, KD7NCY
“I have taken my test for Tech. and passed on the first try. Yes, I am going to continue to study for the next step. I couldn't have made it without you.” — Roger, KI4NQM
“Money well spent. I studied for General and passed...on the 16th. HamTestOnline works.” — Scott, KJ4BIZ
“In February of this year I was a Novice. I originally obtained my novice license in 1979. I never upgraded but in Febuary I decided it was long overdue and started studying on my own. After 3 weeks of studing the ARRL Tech Study guide, I passed the exam on March 28th. After looking over the ARRL General Study guide, I decided your web site was the best way to study. This past Saturday, May 6th, I passed the General Test. I'm now starting on the Extra study questions. By the first week in June I plan to be an Extra! I just wanted to thank you for your web site and to tell you that even a 56 year old Novice can upgrade to General, then Extra.” — Thanks again, Richard, K8RPM
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