What people are saying
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Here's what people are saying:
“Just wanted to say THANKS !!! Your program allowed me to pass my EXTRA exam in only a day and a half's worth of studying time. What an AWESOME program. I wanted to pass before the oxymoron of NO CODE EXTRA went into effect.” — 73, Scott, KC2JFS
“I took the test last week and passed with the highest score in the class. There were men in my class, and they knew radio... I beat their scores! It was a kick for me to do that. I studied on my off time as much as I could.” — Ruthe, KE5WUG
“Passed the General Test today, 100%! HamTestOnline was worth the money. A great learning tool! I know I will pass the EXTRA too and soon.” — Gary, KB2TZK
“I passed my Extra Today! I had a score of 41/50. I spent a year struggling to learn this material with other courses, but with HamTestOnline I was able to focus and make the progress necessary to pass.” — Allan, KI4HRN/AE
“I passed (Technician) with a score of 97%.” — Budd, KI6PXT
“I just wanted to let you know that HamTestOnline helped me get over the edge and pass my General and Extra class exams last weekend.” — 73s, Brian, KD5FIU
“I aced my Tech exam and passed my General after studying and taking the practice exams with HamTestOnline. It made the studying much easier. Now I am studying for my Extra exam. I know I would never pass the FCC exam for Extra without HamTestOnline.” — Mike, KD0BIA
“By the way, terrific site and learning tool! Fits learning style nicely. AA9PW's freebie is very nice too, but your subscription service fills in the gaps and makes for a more complete solution. Consolidates the process nicely.” 73 — Don, W7DAH
“I took and passed my Tech. exam on Feb. 18th. I scored 35 out of 35!!!! I'm currently enjoying my tech privileges, but I want to upgrade to General. I've recommended your great learning program to several people. Please keep sending the reminders, it really does help!!!”
***UPDATE***: “Just wanted to let you know I passed my General on 06-14-08. Thank you again for an awesome service!!!!” — Dan, K9DNK
”I passed my Tech test first with a score of 100%. Your study method of repetitive learning really helped a novice like me. I am planning to go for my Extra class and will be using HamTestOnline almost exclusively.” — Joseph, KI6MYZ
“I passed the General today 06/28/07! Onward to Extra.........” — Nancy, K5NLM
“I passed the Technician test on June 3rd with no problem.” — Roger, KD8GKO
“Took and passed the Extra test on 10-01-08. Many thanks to HamTestOnline.” — Vic, WB6SEL
“One month ago, I upgraded to General. Last night, I upgraded again - to EXTRA !!! It was a lot easier with HamTestOnline!” — 73, Harry, N2DUZ
“I wanted to tell you guys that after using your study program, last week I took my Technician test and scored 100%. There were about 10 other people in a class studying where I took my test, and I told all of them that HamTestOnline was the best way to learn. The instructor agreed with me, as he said there are very few people that ever make a perfect score on their tests. HamTestOnline works!! I will be using it in the future to get my General.” — Arland
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