What people are saying

Please send your comments, suggestions, complaints, and other feedback to sales@qa.testonline.com.

Here's what people are saying:

  • “I aced the General and Extra class exams.  This is the best study site I have ever come across!!!” — Arthur, KG6TGD
  • “Studied the book for 2 yrs and really couldn't do too good.  Yea I studied and worked, took the test twice and failed.  Started using HamTestOnline.com and did great and passed the first time.  Just took my Extra test and passed.  GREAT SITE!  Would recommend it to anyone who wants to be a Ham or upgrade, and I have several friends that are new Tech's, and they used HamTestOnline.com and really liked it and passed the first time around.” — 73s Bill, K0WCM, EXTRA CLASS :)
  • “I finally passed my Extra exam today!  I am SO, SO happy, and I owe it all to HamTestOnline!  I will tell everyone I know how your website gets results because I am living proof!  I haven't been this happy in quite sometime.  Now I can start concentrating on hunting for a cool Extra callsign!” — Gary, KD8AZM
  • “Passed the General Test today, 100%!  HamTestOnline was worth the money.  A great learning tool!  I know I will pass the EXTRA too and soon.” — Gary, KB2TZK
  • “Recently I utilized HamTestOnline to study and take the General written examination.  If it had not been for the innovative HamTestOnline I would not have successfully passed Part 3.” — 73s, Roy
  • “The ‘intelligent’ focus of the software on my weak areas really helped me prepare for the General exam.  I also found the brief explanations related to each question to be extremely helpful in bringing the concepts into focus.  I passed with a 97 yesterday… and I knew the one I missed!  I now plan to read-up and begin the prep for the Extra.  Thanks again for a great product!” — Jim, W1SJF
  • “I am an Extra now and only missed 3 or 4 questions on the exam.  Everyone asked where I studied, and I told them HamTestOnline.  Just keep this thing going.  The more hams we get the better off we all are.  HamTestOnline is great.” — 73's, Wayne, KI4FXJ/AE
  • “I am happy to send you another success story.  I just recently retired.  I have been in ham radio since age 15.  I passed the General, and the Advanced exams decades ago!  Then I found myself working and raising a family, so that Extra exam was moved to the back burner, and there is has remained for all those years.  Now that I actually have some spare time, I decided that the time had come for that final upgrade.  I saw your ad in QST, I signed up, and a month later, I passed the exam.  With flying colors I might add.  Your system works!  And more surprisingly, my brain still works!  I'm amazed that I was able to absorb all that information in such a short time.” — Bob, K7TUC
  • “With major help from your site, I passed my General test yesterday, 1 March 2008.  It's a great study aid.” — Joe, KC2STS/AG

    ***UPDATE***  “Passed the Extra Exam today.  Only missed three questions.” — Joe, KC2STS/AE
  • “Passed my Tech.  Test on June 30th.  You have a great study site!” — 73, Ed, KI4WYX
  • “Success, I'm a General class now!  I have enjoyed the program so much, and today I passed the General ticket exam.  I'm now KB7ABC temporary AG.  I'm enjoying the program, and have been inactive since a serious accident in 1989, so I'm going to study the Technician portion to refresh myself on it's requirements, before going on to Extra.” — KB7ABC, Tom
  • “Great news, I passed the Technician Ham test today (04-12-2008)! Your website was instrumental in this effort.  I look forward to passing the General and Extra in the near future!  HamTestOnline.com has the goods you need in ACES to pass your Ham Radio Licenses, and is worth every dime.  Believe me!  And to guarantee my success, or a FULL refund of my membership?  Who can loose???” — Respectfully yours, Chris, KD0DRF
  • “I passed elements 2 and 3 of the exam.  I now have a Technician license.  Now working on my Part 1 to complete my General.” — Wes, KI4SIQ.
  • “Wanted you to know I passed (actually aced - 100%) element 3 Saturday. Also passed element 1 (I know the FCC is going to phase it out, but I wanted to learn it anyway).” — Bob, KD5NDQ
  • KD0ISJ “Just need to let someone there know that I passed my General.  HamTestOnline was a great tool along with the ARRL book.” — Mike, KD0ISJ

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