What people are saying

Please send your comments, suggestions, complaints, and other feedback to sales@qa.testonline.com.

Here's what people are saying:

  • “I would like to thank you and the your great Ham site for the splendid way it is set-up.  I passed the Extra Class on June 02/2008 with flying colors.  It was a cinch.  Keep up the good work.” — Charles, W4IAK, Extra
  • “Subscribed to HamTestOnline™ on 12/10/08.  Passed Elements 2, 3 & 4 on 12/23/08.  License issued on 01/05/09.  I am a happy customer and will sing your praises.” — Glenn, AC0NM
  • “I went from zero knowledge about amateur radio to Extra in 5 weeks with HamTestOnline! Passed all three tests on the first try with avg score above 90! Excellent product!!”  — Buddy, K4JET
  • “This is a great teaching tool - studied for 11 hours and passed the General test only missing one.  I am telling all my friends about this.  I'll be back in the winter to study for Extra class.” — Mike, N7OCC
  • “I just attended a VE session and went from a Technician (KD6ADY) to an Extra (AJ4IW) after two months of HamTestOnline!  One of the greatest aspects of your product is that the Study mode ‘quizzes’ you to determine where a student needs to focus instead of wasting time on information the student has already mastered.  I am a believer and I'm telling my friends about it!” — Nick, AJ4IW
  • “I started studying using the ARRL book over a year ago.  Never had the confidence to take the test and did not have a good pre-test review plan.  When I heard about HamTestOnline and took the free sample session, I knew you had the answer to both problems.  Now, a few weeks later, it didn't matter what 35 questions I got, I knew the answers and the why's behind the answers.  This is a wonderful way to prepare for testing.  I've never had a better study experience.” — Brian, KE5FXP
  • “Passed Element 2 (Technician; Score: 35/35) 6 August 2006, Element 3 (General; Score 35/35) 3 September 2006 and Element 4 (Extra; Score: 49/50) 3 December 2006.  HamTestOnline is an excellent tool and priced reasonably for its quality.” — Jerry, W8JPP.
  • “Two weeks ago I passed the written part of the General Exam with only 2 incorrect answers.  I'll continue on studying for my Extra exam now using HamTestOnline.” — Stephen, KB1NUF.
  • “Passed Extra @100% on 4/19/06.  tnx h.t.o.” — Randy, KD7VIU
  • “Good news!  Yesterday I passed my Element 3, General Class FCC license test, with the score of 35 out of 35... 100% correct.  Is that fine business, or what?   Part of that success is due to HamTestOnline for the great help it provided me in organizing my study and identifying my areas of weakness for more intensive study.  The practice exams are priceless, and I would recommend your program to anyone trying to learn and pass the ham radio exams.” — Di, KI6DSW/Temp AG
  • “Just wanted to let you know that I took my Technician class exam on June 7.  I passed with a score of 100% thanks to your program.  Now it's on to the code test and the General class.” — Calvin, KE5IYI
  • “I passed the General today 06/28/07!  Onward to Extra.........” — Nancy, K5NLM
  • “Hi, just wanted you to know I passed my Extra, element 4, on 04-11-2007.  It took me 2 to 3 hours a day for 7 weeks studying at home on HamTestOnline.  I have been on the Extra portion of the ham band, and I'm really enjoying the privilege.  See you at Dayton.” — Kurt, KA3LNG/AE
  • “Passed Extra no problem.” — 73, Bill, WA1FKV
  • “I have already passed the Tech element 2 and also the General exams.  At the present time I am preparing for the code test--Later will go back to HamTestOnline to study for the Extra license.  Your program is absolutely A-One!!!  78 years old and still going strong and still ‘cutting the mustard’.” — Benjamin, KI4LHW

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