What people are saying

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Here's what people are saying:

  • “Just a note to report a perfect score on the element 3 examination Saturday.  The VECs of the Blackstone Valley Radio Club in RI were impressed.  They wanted to know what study guides I used.  ARRL?  W5YI?  I told them HamTestOnline was all I needed and well worth the subscription.  Interestingly, the other four test takers had problems: one failing element 2, and 2 others failing element 3.  The other test taker, who took element 3 also passed but not with a perfect score.  The guy next to me is a double EE, came in with a bunch of ARRL study books, and still failed by missing one question.  I'm very glad to have taken notice of your display ad on QRZ.....” — Jim, KB1MPD
  • “Never got a Round Tuit after purchasing the ARRL Study Guide, and the question pool changed on me.  Toyed with the idea of getting the new ARRL guide, but got HamTestOnline instead.

    I find myself much more prone to studying since all the material is on the computer.  Can surf, and do other work, plus STUDY at the same time, seems I'm actually studying now.

    Next, it works fast even with my Dial Up connection speeds of 24000-33000.

    As soon as you click an answer, right or wrong is known.  I find the ‘intelligent repetition’ works well.  You can set the parameter to repeat at longer or shorter intervals.

    Actually better than a book with pages because: If you get distracted by say, phone, wife, kids, dogs, cats, dog/cat fights, etc- you don't lose your place.

    If there is a better, more efficient, inexpensive way to intensely focus on strictly the task at hand, which is to MAXIMIZE every second of study time, I have yet to find it.”  — W3DCG
  • “After 3 months and 43 hours of study, I have passed my General and Extra.  Best study guide I've ever used.  I praised your site at the Fairbanks testing today, so you may have a few more users.” — Gerald, KL1SX/AE
  • “Just passed my ‘General’ ham test yesterday.  100% on the 35 question test.  I started studying last Sunday using HamTestOnline.com, and it worked great for me.  Unlike studying the books, it was interesting and kind of fun, as it introduces a kind of competion that inspired me to spend more time studying.   I can't recommend this product enough for anyone who wants to be motivated to quickly pass their ham tests.  I have no connection to them at all, I just think this is a great way to prepare for the tests now that Morse code is no longer required for any of the tests.   Since I am now a ‘General’, I expect to be saluted!  It's a great product!” — Jon, KE6GFB
  • “Just to let you know that after a week of hard study I passed my General test today 12/17/2005.  Not too shabby for an 80 year old disabled person.  Your site is a great learning and testing tool that has no equal.  Thank you.” — Peter, N7PLP/AG
  • “Passed all three elements within 5 weeks. This site (HamTestOnline.com) was responsible for this success. Would recommend it to anyone trying to become a ham” — Gordon, KE7ERY
  • W4DOK “I used HamTestOnline and aced the General test.  I enjoyed the features of this site and appreciate the ease of operation (even for a technically-challenged person such as myself!).” — Kevin, W4DOK
  • “As you are aware I haven't been studying for my Extra ticket.  I wasn't quite done with the study course, and I did not begin to take any of the practice tests that were available.  On March 8th I decided to take the Extra test, and much to my delight and surprise, I came through with flying colors.  I personally want to thank you for a sensational study course.  I don't think I would have passed had I not used your course.  I would highly recommend the course to any Ham operator.  Your study course is a wonderful tool to advance to an upper level.  I could not have achieved my Extra without your help.” — Joseph, KG4SBF
  • “This is the BEST!!!   I have been a Ham for 34 years — all of them as an Advanced Class license.  I decided to use your program to bone up for the Extra Class.  It took me less than 30 days, and I passed with flying colors — missed one question.  BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD!!!” — W5FIV, Mike, Extra Class
  • “I passed my General test on January 10.  BTW, I'm hoping to pass the Extra this weekend at the Kennehoochie Hamfest... so I'll try to be studying on HamTestOnline as much as I can...”

    *****UPDATE**** “I was successful!  Now, thanks to HamTestOnline, I am now holding Extra Class privileges!  Thanks for offering a great way for me to upgrade.  Once I got serious, it really didn't take that long to make it happen!” — 73, Kevin, N5PRE/AE
  • “I have used this site for about the last 2 months.  Total time spent studying was 24 hours and 24 minutes.  Using this very intelligently designed site as my sole resource, I passed my Extra first time up with a score in the low 90% range.  Let me hasten to add that electronics is not my forté. I'm in vehicle maintenance by trade.  The site presents information logically, and doesn't give you an overload.  The people that run the site are very quick to answer your questions, even when you go DUH! after asking it.  Worth every penny of the registration fee!” — Doug, N6AYW
  • “I took the Technician exam last Saturday after studying with HamTestOnline for about 2 weeks.  I got 100% and did the exam in 15 minutes!  And got the license issued in 3 business days.” — 73's, Alan, KI6OSY
  • “Information was very accurate and helped me to pass the Extra Class Exam the first time with a top score. Would recommend this method of study to anyone. Test date was 9/18/2005, Cincinnati, Ohio.  Had a lot of fun.”  — W8ORT, David
  • “I'm now officially KG6YPS! I missed only one on the element 2 exam! I'll be back soon to start my General License Exam Study!”  — Jeff, KG6YPS (^_^)
  • “Want to let you know that I passed Element 4 with a score of 92% on May 12, 2007 at ARRL.  Your program was most helpful in mastering the questions in the pool.  Your It made a big difference.  By the way, my age (78) was not a disadvantage because of your program.  Hopefully, this will inspire younger hams to study for Element 4.” — 73's, Joe, WA1IDY

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