What people are saying

Please send your comments, suggestions, complaints, and other feedback to sales@qa.testonline.com.

Here's what people are saying:

  • “On March 28th, 2009, after two weeks of focused use of your service, I aced the Extra test.  I have used HamTestOnline for all three elements and passed each with a score of 100%.  Thank you for a great product.” — Rick, KC9NIY/AE
  • “I passed!!!  I got my Extra upgrade thanks to HamTestOnLine once again.  Since October of 2005, I have used HamTestOnLine as my primary study guide and have passed the Technician, General and Extra tests.  What a deal!  Thanks for all the help and guidance along the way.” — 73, Mike, WB5PBS
  • “I passed my Extra test 49/50.  Two Weeks = KE4CCI/AE.  Enough Said.” — John, KE4CCI
  • “I passed my Technician test with a 95%.  Am self-employed, so have only limited daily time to put into it.  However, I find that I am drawn to study Ham questions rather than relax any other way--so I do daily take the time.  I find your system really helps me with the questions I miss.” — Milt, KC0YYN.
  • “I just wanted to tell everyone at HamTestOnline how happy I am with your program. I subscribed to your service Saturday and aced the Technician Element-2 exam on Wednesday. That's 5 days later, without any prior studying for the test at all! I am really impressed with all the links that are in the study area to help you learn more about a great many topics.”  — Joe

    *** UPDATE *** “I took the element 3 test on Feburary the 5th and Aced it also.”
  • “On 10/11/08 I went to a HamFest and Took the Tech (missed 2) then took the General (Missed 2).  HamTestOnline did help.” — Orville, KL2OJ.
  • “HamTestOnline has been a great tool in getting my license.  Took my test last Saturday, and I'm waiting for my call sign.  I only missed two.  Passed the test no problem.

    ***UPDATE*** “Passed general exam on 7-19-08, 34 of 35.” — Nic, KE5VMO
  • “Already got ticket and will be studying for General during winter months.  Thanks again for tests that made it easy for me to accquire my ‘Tech’ ticket.”  — Larry, KE5KGP
  • “I studied with Hamtestonline and passed my Technician Exam with no problem on the first try.  Great product!” — Rob, KB1NQX
  • “Dear HamTestOnline, on Wednesday, September 14, 2005, I took my Technician Ham Exam and I passed!!!!!!  Now I am working towards getting my General and then my Extra Class licenses.”  — Elena, NH7ZH
  • “Expert practice.  I took the extra-class exam Dec. 14th and got a 100%.  Your website did a great job preparing me.”  — Richard
  • “Sirs, thank you for your service and assistance in my recent passing my General license, missing two.  Now on to my Extra class.” — JIm, W6FXL
  • “I wanted to tell you that this Saturday morning I passed my Amateur Extra on my first try.  HamTestOnline was great and helped me over a lot of humps.” — Grady, KI4HDZ/AE
  • “One month ago, I upgraded to General.  Last night, I upgraded again - to EXTRA !!!  It was a lot easier with HamTestOnline!” — 73, Harry, N2DUZ
  • “April 25, 2005 - I passed my exam due to your practice tests.I couldn't have passed without it.” — Ted, KI4JUG

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