What people are saying

Please send your comments, suggestions, complaints, and other feedback to sales@qa.testonline.com.

Here's what people are saying:

  • W4AJT “Thank you----Thank you----and Thank you again.  I passed my Extra on March 15.  I have been active since June 1930, and I am 93 yrs young.  Maybe I will get to use my new privileges for a few yrs.  I hope so.” — Tnx 73, Weldon, W4AJT
  • “Passed Extra with 46 correct answers.  Great product.  I recommend it to everyone looking to pass the test.  Keep up the good work.” — John, KC6TVF/AE
  • “I passed the Extra exam on 12/3/2006.  Since I will soon be 84 years old, it shows that an old dog can still learn new tricks.” — 73's, Oren, W4HDF since 11/20/1940.
  • “Thanks to Ham Test Online, I passed my Extra in less than 10 days!” — 73's, Randy, K0WLS
  • “Took the Technician and General tests 6/28/08 and passed both with flying colors!  Thanks so much for the opportunity to learn so much so quickly.  I think I am going to continue studying to master the rest of the General material, and may even have a go at Extra class!” — Steven, KE7UUI
  • “I used your site to study and never needed to purchase the book.  Great way to prepare!” — 73, Kevin, KC0TTY (Passed Extra 11/15/05)
  • “Rating: Five-of-Five.  I subscribed my 12 y/o daughter to ‘Ham Test Online’ after trying the ‘Now Your Talking’ text and ALL of the freebie online tests for her, from age 10 'til 12.  Like they say, ya get what ya pay for; about 2-to-3 weeks after subscribing to and using ‘Ham Test Online’, my 12 y/o became KD7WIN.  Ham Test Online provides 2-yr access per subscription, and my daughter seems encouraged to give upgrading a go, largely because she enjoys how ‘Ham Test Online’ presents the study to her.”  — W7DAH
  • “I have been a member of your site for four months or so, and I have now passed all three written exams with a perfect score.  I also passed the code test, so I am now done.” — Best regards, Owen, KB3MVH
  • “I studied for about a month and took the Technician and General test and passed them both.  The VE's said I didn't hardly miss anything.  I don't think it would have been possible without your site.  P.S. I am working on the Extra now.”

    ***UPDATE*** “I took the Extra test today, 7-19-2008, and passed the exam.  I couldn't have done it with out HamTestOnline.” — Darrel, WD9FOX
  • “I passed my Technician Class test about a month ago.  Only missed 3!!!  Yours is the best website out there.  A buddy and I will be using your site to study for the General Class test in March 06.” — Myles, KC0VPZ
  • “I passed my Extra exam on November 4, 2009.  Thank you Ham Test Online!” — Joseph, KI6MYZ
  • “I just wanted to let you know that HamTestOnline helped me get over the edge and pass my General and Extra class exams last weekend.” — 73s, Brian, KD5FIU
  • “I took the Tech, Gen, and Extra Class tests all at once and passed all.  New call is AB9RD.  Can use tests now to keep up for possible VE examiner.” — Vy 73, Dave, AB9RD
  • “I have passed my upgrade to GENERAL on 7-12-2007.  Your HamTestOnline helped a great deal in preparing for Upgrade to General.” — Donald, KC9CUC/AG
  • “Just wanted you to know I passed elem.  1 on Sat, 7/17.  Thanks to your excellent program that allowed me to pass all 3 written elements when I first tested, I could concentrate more on code and am now an Extra!”  — Norm K7NCR/AE

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