What people are saying

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Here's what people are saying:

  • “Just wanted to let you know I passed my Element 2 test at 100%!!!  I studied for just 12 hours on HamTestOnline.com and was blown away on how the right answer just leapt off the test booklet page.  Absolutely amazing!   You have created such an awesome service for the amateur radio service.  This is, without a doubt, the best way to study for exams!  Your site shows all your hard work.  I love to tell people how easy HamTestOnline is to use.  You guys are awesome!” — Steve, KE7HLS
  • “Passed my Extra exam in Orlando a couple of weeks ago.  Couldn't have done it without HamTestOnline!!  You made it easy and fun to study for the test.” — Mike, W0RSR
  • “I passed my Extra exam with only two wrong two weeks ago.  Please feel free to use me as an example of a non technical, non ‘Elmered’, wannabe Ham Radio Operator.  I was scared to death of all the technical requirements needed for my Amateur Extra.  After completing my Tech and General through hours and hours of rote memorization, I was certain the Extra was just not in my future.  I met you at the Orlando FL ‘HamCation’, where you convinced me I could do it with all the help I needed from your wonderful program.  BEST MONEY I EVER SPENT.  Cheaper than all the books I was going to purchase.  I found all the linked help you provided in the program easy to understand and well explained and demonstrated.  I actually LEARNED the requirements for my upgrade instead of memorizing tons of confusing gibberish.  I sooo wish I knew about Ham Test on Line earlier...  IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO ACTUALLY LEARN, I will sing your praises ‘till the cows come home...’ Keep up the great work, COULD NEVER HAVE DONE IT ON MY OWN... HTOL RULES!” — Armand, AJ4IC (ex KI4UYI)
  • “Upgraded to Extra on 8/21/06 with 98%” — Bill, N7WFH
  • “Just wanted to let you know that I've now received the coveted ‘temporary AG’ suffix to my call sign!  100% on the Technician Exam on 10/07/08.  100% on the General Exam on 12/27/08.  It certainly wouldn't have happened this quickly nor as successfully without the help on HamTestOnline!  Your site and support are greatly appreciated!  Happy New Year & 73's” — Chuck, KJ4HBK
  • “Thank you so much for this wonderful program.  I never was good at school (Dropped out of the 7th grade) and was always slow at learning.  In Feb. 05 I started the free trial for 2 weeks and passed my Tech in March and today, Oct. 15 passed my General.  This site is the greatest learning tool for people like me that have a hard time learning.  I wished I heard about your program years ago.  Thank you” — Robt, W8OLO
  • “You provide such a valuable service.  With your help I was able to pass my General test without any problems.  Your model improves upon other study guides, because the correct answer is hidden until the student answers, yet one needn't fumble through the back pages of a book to find the answer.” — Jason, KI6OFZ
  • “I passed the General test on the 6/28/2007, thanks to your website.  I am now working on the Extra Class Exam.”

    ***UPDATE***: “I wanted to tell you that I passed my EXTRA class exam tonight (8/23/07).  HamTestOnline helped me reach my goal.” — Bill, KC0TJI
  • “I passed the Element 4 Extra test on 5/20/06 and now I am AE4WF.  HamTestOnline is the most effective training I have used.  To study and then take a practice exam is a very good way to tell if a person is ready to take the test.” — 73, Wayne, AE4WF
  • “I just wanted to say thanks for your help in my passing the Extra exam.  I took the test today and missed 4 of the 50 questions.  Thanks for your help in achieving this goal.” — Steve, KC9UT
  • “I passed the Technician test on June 3rd with no problem.” — Roger, KD8GKO
  • “I have very successfuly completed the Canadian Basic + and Advanced examinations.  I give HamTestOnline a lot of credit for assisting in my endevours.  I consider it to be an ‘A One’ program.” — Roy, VA5RKL
  • “Took and passed the Extra test on 10-01-08.  Many thanks to HamTestOnline.” — Vic, WB6SEL
  • “Although I used the ARRL license manual for each, your setup was equally valuable.  I used it to pass the General written twice, on 14 JUN 03 and again on 07JUL 04, on which date also passed element 1.  Passed Extra written on 03MAR 04 so now have CSCE for Extra.  I'd gladly recommend your system.  Good value for the $$.”  — Dennis, KC8VYW/AE
  • “Great site!  Purchased a subscription in March to prepare for my Technician.  Being a former US Navy Radar technician, theory wasn't a problem — just the peculiars of amateur radio.  I was very pleased with the manner of delivery and questions.  When I tested in April, I didn't have a single problem.  When I tested for General this month (September), passed as well.  Now using the website to study for my Extra class.  Good job!”  — Rene, KB3JLZ

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