What people are saying

Please send your comments, suggestions, complaints, and other feedback to sales@qa.testonline.com.

Here's what people are saying:

  • “I really enjoyed studying for my Extra test using your software.  It was the only thing that helped me PASS!!!!!” — Randy, N3ZK
  • “Thanks SO much for your wonderful website!  I just passed my Tech (100%), General(100%) AND Extra (98%, missed ONE stinkin' question) after just ONE week with your adaptive site! — PERFECT!!!  GREAT site!” — Thanks!  Jason (call sign pending) ...all because of your site!
  • “At this point I am very happy with your product.  It is smart enough to force me to re-answer the questions I earlier missed.  Instead of relaxing at the end of the day with any kind of entertainment or other activities, I find myself gravitated to study!  How can you figure that out??”  — Milt, KC0YYN. 
  • “Thanks again for HamTestOnline and an Elmer which helped me get my Tech.  Especially great helping a person with very bad learning disabilities.” — Tom, KB1MJF
  • “Thanks to your intuitive program with it's ability to remember my areas of weakness, I passed my Technician examination today in Phoenix, AZ.  I scored 35 out of 35, 100% correct.  I used my study time as efficiently as possible with your help.  Now on to the General category!!!” — Fred (awaiting callsign)
  • “I am the Emergency Management Planner for the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State and used your site to prepare for the Tech test.  After 2 days of immersion in your site, I took the test... finished in about 5 minutes and did not miss a question.  We are so grateful.  What a resource!  I look forward to using your site for my license upgrades.” — Phil, KE7KWB
  • “Passed Elements 2 and 3 March 03, 2007!  I told my club members it was intense studying on HamTestOnline that allowed me to successfully complete Elements 2 & 3 in 2 months!” — Melissa, KD0AAK
  • “HamTestOnline is the best way to go. I studied for about a week and passed my no code tech test. http://www.hamtestonline.com/ Try it it's Great......” — Lynn, KD7ZYZ
  • “Last November, with the help of your ‘HamTestOnline’, I passed the Tech test.  Now, again with the help of ‘HamTestOnline’, I passed the General test!  So, it's on to the Extra.  I especially like how the questions repeat themselves in areas where I'm weak.  By the way, I am age 64 and looking forward to joining the ‘Ham Community’!  I am sure that others will be very satisfied with ‘HamTestOnline’ as am I.  After looking at many of the others available, yours is definitely the best!” — Ray, K0IAA
  • “I just recently passed the Technician exam and in the process of studying for the General exam, your web site HELPED me out a lot!!” — Danny, KJ4CID
  • “You guys have an unbeatable product---I took the Technician on 12/1 and 15 days later(today) I passed the General.  Thanks a million, now on to the Extra.” — 73, Lance, KB1PSV
  • “Passed the Gen. Sat before last.  You were of great help  THANKS!!!” — Glen, KG6PRW
  • “Your course is a blessing:  I received my General Class in 1950 and my Advanced Class somewhere in the early '50s.  If truth be known, I've forgotten more than I've ever learned or used, but do plan to take the Extra Class exam early in 2007, thanks to your great teaching software.” — 73 and happy holidays, Ben, W2FNX.
  • “Thanks for maintaining this valuable resource for the Ham community.  I passed the Amateur Extra exam on 07/16/06 in Radford, Va.” — All the best, Ted - KF4VCP
  • “On Nov. 18th I took & passed the Amateur Extra exam.  Your site was a great help in passing the exam.” — 73's, Eddie, KG4URR.

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