What people are saying

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Here's what people are saying:

  • “HamTestOnline was my only study source… No books… Classes or anything else.  Passed all three tests with perfect scores.  Your format and available information is superb…  I will recommend the course to anyone wanting to get their license…  You make it easy.” —  Jess, AJ4NY
  • “Passed the Extra after less than a week of study!” — 73's, Michael, KD5WBY
  • KC2WCL “I passed the ‘Extra’ exam this morning!  After going through the first 50 free questions, I was hooked and decided to continue to study.  It took just over a little 3 weeks.  My motivation was for Denville NJ RACES and CERT volunteer work.  At first almost every question looked strange, then all of a sudden the questions with answers became friends.  Good introduction to series and parallel circuits, etc.  When I started, I knew absolutely nothing about antennas.  Sure learned a lot about antennas and impedance, etc.!  Your presentation of material sure makes the learning process a lot easier, and yes, even fun.  I find that if one looks at this mode of instruction as a computer learning game rather than work it can actually be fun.” — 73, KC2WCL, Matthew
  • “Passed the Extra test with no problems.  An excellent study system.  The program is the only way to go.” — John, WB6VWG
  • “Passed my Extra in early April.  HamTestOnline was a big help in learning theory, not just memorizing answers.  The reminders are very helpful, ‘shamed’ me into overcoming my tendency to procrastinate!  Now working to get my CW back up to par.” — Frank, AA4AE (formerly KA4AQN)
  • “The website was great!  When I felt good about General, I noticed there wasn't a test session for another week, so I went on for Extra.  I was able to pass both my General and Extra first time in one test session.  I've already recommended the site to a friend.” — 73, KE4WIN (Extra)
  • “After only 6 days of study on your website, I have passed the element 4 exam (47/50).  So I have found either the test is way too easy or your study material is way too effective, hihihi.  My new call sign is AE5AW.” — Bill, AE5AW (ex-WB6OFG)
  • “I passed the Extra class exam today, 96% correct.” — John, W0TMM
  • “This literally is a life time achievement for me.  I used HamTestOnline and studied and passed the Technician and General test with only 1 wrong.  I will now study for my Extra test and know I will do well.  I am very proud and thankful to the HamTestOnline website for a dream come true.” — 73s, Vincent, W7VTR
  • “I am very pleased to report that I took the General Class exam tonight, 08/01/07, and passed.  HamTestOnline was fantastic and right on.  The subscription is certainly worth the price.  I recommend this program to everyone who wants to pass the FCC Radio Operator written exams.”

    ***UPDATE***  “On Wednesday, November 7, 2007, I passed the FCC Amateur Extra Class exams in Orlando.” — Troy, KI4VTK
  • “I used your site to study for my Technician exam.  I took it today and aced it – 35 out of 35!!!!  I will use HamTestOnline to start studying for the General and Extra exams.  It's a great product.” — Robert, KB3NUQ
  • “I took and passed the General Exam Sunday, June 1.  I attribute a large amount of my success to HAMTESTONLINE.  I don't know that I can provide improvement advice, as I was happy and impressed with the product that you have in current configuration.  Hopefully your product will aid in the growth of our hobby and in turn provide additional personnel that can be of assistance to aid our Country in times of need.  I shall continue to use HAMTESTONLINE when preparing for the ‘Extra’ Exam.” — Mark, KB3REL
  • “I passed the general test with just one wrong answer.” — Jim, K8TOW.
  • “After being an Advanced for some 20 years, I was inspired by this Site to try for Extra Class... Tested this week for Element 4, and passed.  Thanks for the inspiration.  This is a very helpful site.  I have suggested it to others.” — Merl
  • “I take my test tomorrow, and would not have been prepared for it without your website.  I am pretty sure I will ACE it.  I am taking the Extra Class Element 4 exam.”

    *** UPDATE!!! ***  “I just wanted to let you know I passed the Element 4 exam this morning.  I got a 100% on it.  If it were not for your repetitive questioning of my weak areas, I would not have done so well.” — Mike, W4KTX

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