What people are saying

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Here's what people are saying:

  • “100% on Technician exam!  What can I say but thank you!  If anyone studies for the FCC exams with anything BUT HamTestOnline they are wasting their time.  It is simply the best.  You study at your own pace, in a format that is easy to use, and it keeps track of all your answers and practice test scores.” — Johnathan, 100% Technician on 11/19/05
  • “Just to say that HamTestOnline is the very best way to study and pass an exam.  It is a brilliant concept and most effective way to study.  I pretty much mastered the material, and it is far and away fabulous!  Thank you for offering free trials.  Perhaps my friends and children will become subscribers, it really pays off!  Good luck--I will definitely spread the word!” — Nancy
  • “Passed my General Test 32 out of 35 on 11/06 first time out!  So MANY thanks to your wonderful Ops for the support and structure that were instrumental in my exam success.  I will take a break for a few weeks, make MORE HF QSO's, and on to EXTRA!!  This is the BEST $50 I have EVER spent on Ham Radio!!” — 73 de Norm, KE4GAH/AG
  • “Passed All.  100% on Element 2, 100% on Element 3, and 93% on Element 4.  All this I owe to HamTestOnline.” — James, KI4NPD
  • “I passed the extra class test Nov 5, 2005 and got 50/50.” — Gus, W1GUS
  • “I passed Technician on April 5, General on May 24, and the Extra test today (Dec 3).  Your website made the difference for me.” — George, NY7N
  • “Today I passed the Extra Exam thanks to HTOL.  The study mode with repeat feature really helps.  Now, I have passed all 3 test elements with thanks to HTOL.  It is a learning system that really works!” — Ray, K0IAA (Passed Tech 11/07, General 3/08 + Extra 4/12/08)
  • “I found the test questions on HamTestOnline very helpful.  Today, I passed my Technician test with a 100% score.  You have such a great teaching tool.” — Kyle, KC9MCJ
  • “It's a good day, I passed my EXTRA test 50/50.  Once I finally decided to follow through, it was easy.  I love the way your test allows one to learn.  I am probably older than most, at 68.  My short term memory is very bad.  I found that I could select a subject and learn that before moving on to another.  I have told everyone I meet that is interested in ham radio about your system of teaching.  It really works, even when one misses a question, it's back in your face a few minutes later, you can't miss.  I didn't realize I had 74 computer hours, but when it came to the test it was very simple, I wasn't scared and I was really prepared for a hard test.  The Trig. and rectangle coordinates to polar was the hardest for me.  I am so glad I don't have to study anymore, but it was fun.  It is a great learning tool.” — 73, Dave, NN5DW (ex-N5NPG)
  • “Signed up 12/07/2004: held a Novice ticket. Study time 21 hours 36 minutes of random 20 minutes sessions. Took Elements 2 and 3 last night, 02/17/05, for real, got 69 of 70 correct. Now a General ticket. Next: Extra, before my subscription runs out.  :-)”

    ***UPDATE***  “Passed my Extra test last night, 4/21/05, with flying colors.  The total time: Novice to Extra , less than 6 months, period.  Used only HamTestOnline and Gordon Wests' Extra manual.  HamTestOnline is the best.  Highly recommended to anyone starting out or studying for their upgrade.  73”  — K3GMT (formerly KC3GMT)
  • “On 01/24/09 I passed my basic with an 95%, which gives me all band coverage.  I wish to thank HamTestOnline for helping me get there” — Trevor, VA3UTB
  • “Passed my Tech, with flying colors, and am looking over the General.” — Larry, (awaiting callsign)
  • “I passed my Extra class upgrade last night.  I missed 3 questions, but got it done!  I found your site really helpful.  I'd studied the ARRL manual, but the quick rapid fire presentation you have and short information texts helped quite a bit.  It helped narrow in on stuff I was weak on or didn't really understand.  I'd rate your site 5/5!  Keep up the good work.  Amateur radio is fun stuff to learn.” — John, KC0ZDC/AE
  • “You have a really nice program.  It's a lot of fun, kind of like a game.  Makes learning interesting.” — Thomas, N7KCX
  • “I passed my Tech missing only 1 question.  HamTestOnline was great.”  — Randy KI4DGU

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