What people are saying

Please send your comments, suggestions, complaints, and other feedback to sales@qa.testonline.com.

Here's what people are saying:

  • “I was a Tech plus for several years.  Several months ago I subscribed to your service.  After one week I was a General, two weeks following that I am an Extra.  What a great program.  Thanks for your help.” —  Ken, WB5Y
  • “I have found your online ‘study source’ to really be a superior product.  I have used two print sources and have found yours to provide a clearer explanation of difficult points, and I expect to pass with your help.” — 73, Bill, K5YEM
  • “I just passed the Extra Exam with a 98%.  I also used HamTestOnline for my Technician and General Exams. Your website makes it so easy to study for these exams!” — Martin, W9MHB
  • AJ4UX “Enjoyed using HamTestOnline.com to study for my Technician, General and Extra class tests.  Just over 30 hours contact time, and I passed with flying colors.” — Richard, AJ4UX
  • “Aloha from Hawaii.  Wanted to congratulate you on an excellent site.  I recently studied here while prepping for my Tech/General exams, and it was time worthwhile spent!  Just got certified as a General & got my ham license!  My new callsign is WH7EN (uls database).  You have excellent study materials and up-to-date question pools.  I will be studying for my Extra class license in the coming months.  Yes, your website really helps people pass!”

    ***UPDATE***  “Just to let you know, because of your website and additional study materials, I passed my Amateur extra exam easily.  Your website is well laid out and user friendly.  You have helped me immensely and will no doubt help many more pass as well!” — Mahalo & 73s Albert, WH7EN
  • “I passed my element 4 extra class exam two Saturdays ago, and I'm now in the FCC database as an Extra! My score was 48/50, and there wasn't a question on the test that I didn't recognize. My next big challenge is picking out a new extra class vanity call sign.  73,” — Brett, KD7TBD
  • “I Passed my Tech,General, and Extra in 1 year.  All with the help of HamTestOnline - Very good program.  Thanks again for putting toegether a great program.  I learned a lot and was applying the info learned as I studyed for the Extra license.  I have told all my Ham friends that want to upgrade.” — 73s, Dean, K9MPM
  • “Passed the Tech. test on 12/15/07.  I'm studying for the Gen. test I hope to take soon.”

    ***UPDATE*** “I took the General test Monday night, 1/21/08, and passed.  I could not have passed without HamTestOnline.” — Sid, KJ4BER
  • “I just wanted to let you know the final results of my Extra exam...  Sadly, I only missed one question out of 50.  :(  (insert BIG grin here)” — 73, Jed, KE7FDT, (soon to be AD7Kx)
  • “Passed extra exam 09/16/06.” — 73's Bob, W7TSS
  • “I upgraded to General Feb 23rd, 2007, I'll be back to study for Extra next week.  I do like your website for study and practice exams and will certainly need the help for the Extra upgrade.” — Larry, KD5VWS
  • “Just wanted to drop you a line.  With your help I took and passed my element 2 test in Nov. 2006.  I was originally licensed in 1977 as a Technician and let my license go in 1987.  I took the grandfather update to General after passing my Element 2 exam, and now with your help just passed my Element 4 to Extra Class.  Thanks for helping me go to the top!” — Brad, WD9GNJ
  • “I love the site.  While I studied the new questions for the General exam, I actually took the old exam and passed it.  Now on for the extra.” — Tim, KE5LSK
  • “Great study tool. I have been procrastinating for years.  My wife got me a subscription for our anniversary, and the next month I passed my Tech (element 2) exam.  Now it’s on to code…” — Don
  • “I've been using HamTestOnline for about a week now and love it.  You've done a fantastic job.   Again, love the website - keep up the good work.  73,” — Steve

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