What people are saying

Please send your comments, suggestions, complaints, and other feedback to sales@qa.testonline.com.

Here's what people are saying:

  • “Thanks for the great service!  I didn’t think I needed this in addition to the ARRL test preparation books, but I believe HamTestOnline saved countless preparation hours, as I found the study mode to be MUCH more effective than just reading the books.  In addition, the many options for taking simulated tests allowed me to walk in to the exam room with the confidence that I would pass the test on the first try.  I passed the Amateur Extra test today (8 June 2008).” — Kind regards, Gary, AF6KB
  • “After only a few weeks of studying with HamTestOnline, I passed my Extra exam with a score of 100%.  The tutorials are great, but what I found most helpful were the practice exams that can be customized to focus on my weak areas.  Congratulations on having produced a fine product.  I will strongly recommend HamTestOnline to anyone who is contemplating taking an amateur exam.” —  David, N4AYZ
  • “I passed the Tech exam on Jan.14,2007.  I missed one question on the exam.  I wish I had found this web site before I got Ham University's program.  I found HamTestOnline very user friendly.”

    ***UPDATE***: “I just passed my Extra class as of Jan 20 2008 with a score of 96%.  I usually freeze-up when I take tests, but HamTestOnline really helped.” — KD8EZG, Russ
  • “I passed my Extra class on May 10th.  The HamTestOnline testing and study made it very easy for me to retain the information needed to pass.  I have referred many to your website... it's fantastic!” — Chris, now AF6JI
  • “Just wanted to tell you that I took the Extra exam last night.  It took me a total six minutes to complete the entire exam, including filling out the personal data on the answer sheet.  The three examiners were very surprised when I finished so quickly and were quite amazed when they discovered that I had only missed one question.  The only reason I was so well prepared was because of your material and manner of presentation.  I could not have prepared in so short a time without the help of your excellent site.  I would recommend your course to everyone as worth every cent!!” — Vy 73, Bill, K3CUU
  • “Nice site.  I studied for about 28 hours, and I took the Tech and General tests on 12/17/08.  I got 35/35 on the Tech test and 33/35 on the General test.  You guys made it so easy, I'm going to try the Extra test maybe in Jan.” — James, KD8JWW
  • “Down to the wire on study time, so on Thursday night (General Test scheduled on Saturday), decided to look around for a better study aid.  Via Google found your site and decided I better take a shot or else be embarrassed around my new found Ham buddies when I blew the General test.  Crammed all day Friday using HamTestOnline.com, woke up at 5am Sat for a little refresher and Aced the test at 9:30 am.  I am now back in to HamTestOnline.com for some more leisurely review of General topics plus Extra down the road.  Couldn't have done it without you.” — Bruce, KJ4BYT
  • “I passed the Technician test with a score of 100%.  I am now studying for my General.  I have passed my last 7 practice exams with scores of low to high 80's.  I highly recommend your study material.” — Bob, W5WRN


    ***Update***  I passed my general test with a score of about 92(missed 3).  I thought this was pretty good for an old man.  I could not have accomplished this had it not been for ‘Ham Test On Line’.  Many thanks for your help.” — Bob, W5WRN

  • “With your help, I'm an Amateur Extra.  Tnx 4 ur hlp.” — 73, Joe, KA2THO.
  • “Less than 19 study hours and passed Extra Exam on 02/18/06” — CJ, W7CJW
  • “OBTW I did pass the Tech test at 100% using your program.  I will be taking the General Jan 20, and plan to get 100% there too.  I've got a ways to go for the Extra...” — Todd, KE5IMA.
  • “TNX for quick reply!  You have a great product that provides a great service to the amateur radio community!” — 73, Jeff, KE5APC
  • “HamTestOnline, I have used your study program for 4 weeks.  I felt comfortable when I started getting 90% to 95% test scores.  I took my General exam last night (02-13-2007) and passed.” — 73’s to all, Mike, KB9GHW
  • “Passed Technician exam 12/16/2007, along with 3 other members of VFW post 3115 Located in Wichita, KS.  Our club call at the VFW post is W0VFW.  HamTestOnline was a tremendous help to me.  Next stop is the General.” — Marc, KD0CMI
  • “Well, I passed my General exam and will do my code exam next month.  I’d have taken it today, but my hearing aid died!  Starting my Extra studies today and plan to take the test before year’s end.  Great way to study and really learn the material, not just the answers for the test questions.  I’ll let you know when my general upgrade is complete.  Keep up the good work!” — 73’s, KD8CIL, Joe

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