What people are saying

Please send your comments, suggestions, complaints, and other feedback to sales@qa.testonline.com.

Here's what people are saying:

  • “My 9-year-old son Matthew, W1MAT, passed his General this weekend.  He fooled around with HamTestOnline a bit this summer, but started doing it daily for the past 2 weeks, and then passed the test with only 4 wrong.  He loves DXing and wants to start studying for the Extra in a couple weeks.”  — Eric, KV1J
  • “I just left my exam.  I'm so excited to tell you my results that I'm emailing from the wireless laptop in my car in the parking lot.  I passed element 4 with a perfect score (50/50)!  I could not have done it without you.  You are the best!  I have never had such a positive learning experience as I did with HTO.  Like you said, I didn't just pass, I ‘aced it’.” — Joe, KC2LQ/AE
  • “THANK YOU... THANK YOU... THANK YOU !!!  Started using your program 1 week ago... the program told me to go take the test.  Upgraded from General to Extra.  Passed with a 90% score.  What a great program, well worth the cost.  Good info, logical pattern, and excellent testing.” — Ed, KG4DBY (One very happy ham.)
  • “Passed Extra with 100% in mid August.  Thanks for your excellent program, the best.” — Tom, N5IKG
  • “I subscribed to your online testing on Dec 16.  After review and taking many practice tests, I felt confident and went for the element 3 General class test on Jan 11, 06.  To say I passed would be an understatement.  To say I blew it out of the water would be more like it.  33 correct out of 35.  I believe I have never scored better on ANY test I have ever taken !!!!!  I will most certainly come back to study for the extra class exam by using HamTestOnline.com !!!!!  If only you could make learning the code this easy... Thanks a million, it was well worth the $$.” — Doug
  • “I took the Extra class license test this past Monday and passed with a 90 percent grade 4 wrong.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So close another success story” — Bob, KG4VDU.
  • “Passed element 3 and got the General.  Missed only two thanks to you guys!  Now it's time to study for that Extra!” — Mike, KE5OAP
  • N4JMS “Wanted to let you know I passed my ‘General’ over the weekend.  Couldn't have done it with out your help.It is a great program.  Tnx again for an excellent learning program.” — Jean, N4JMS
  • “When the FCC decided to give us a Christmas present this last year, I decided it was time to upgrade.  Your site gave me the confidence to just go take my tests!  I took the General test and Extra online.  I had the confidence to go take my test last weekend, 2-13-07.  I passed both the General (missed 2 questions) and Extra (Missed 8)!” — Alan, KB0VKF/AE
  • “Passed my element 4 Extra test today, July 8th, in Indianapolis.” — Terry, W9CSL
  • “Great Study Program!  I subscribed to HamTestOnline on 3/18/03 and passed my Tech Plus Element 1 and 2 on 4/05/03.  I passed my General Element 3 on 2/08/05 and my Extra Element 4 today 03/05/05.  Great Study Program!  I have recommended your program to many.”  — Al Kuykendall, KG4ZNW (Extra Class)
  • “I passed the General test thanks to you.” — Raleigh, KI4ICA
  • “I Passed them all!  I Think this is the best program for learning I have ever used and I have taken a lot of exams from the FAA with a similar testing program.” — Jim, K14WFO
  • “In concert with a some use of the Industry Canada Canadian Exam Generator, 94% on Canadian Basic Exam.  HamTestOnline is an excellent learning system.  The email reminder for study encouragement does work.” — Greg (awaiting callsign)
  • “After a lot of goading from a couple of friends, I finally decided to prepare for and obtain an amateur license. My original plan was to take the Technician exam in January, but a travel-related schedule conflict prevented me from being able to do it. Given that I had a little extra time, I decided to do some additional study. I found your service very helpful; the explanations associated with answers helped me learn the underlying material very quickly.  I was finally able to take the exam on February 22 and passed all four elements in one evening. I hadn't done much preparation for Element 1 (Morse) and didn't actually expect to pass, but caught a lucky break and was able to pass under the ‘one minute of solid copy’ standard. So I'm starting my amateur career at the Extra level. The site  was definitely one of the major factors that helped me succeed. In almost every instance the real-time examples were great and were very helpful. The results speak for themselves!”  — Phil Wherry, AI4JF

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