What people are saying

Please send your comments, suggestions, complaints, and other feedback to sales@qa.testonline.com.

Here's what people are saying:

  • WB2HNP “I invested only 50 hours and walked away with my EXTRA Class ticket on the first try yesterday... went from zero knowledge, no motivation, and utter frustration (wanting to upgrade for years) until I discovered HamTestOnline... everything else I had tried to study was worthless to me.  HamTestOnline is perfect for anyone who wants a top ham license but does not want a degree in engineering.  I highly recommend it!  GREAT GREAT GREAT.” — 73, Robb, NN2RL (ex-WB2HNP)
  • “I just passed the Technician, General, and the Extra exams in one sitting because of HamTestOnline.  It's a wonderful system you set up.” — 73's, Ken, AB9SG
  • “You have a great product here!  Reading out of a book can be boring, but reviewing and learning with HamTestOnline is a sure way to success!  I highly endorse this product.” — 73, Mike, W6QT
  • “Hi, I got my program at about 11 pm on last Sunday, and tonight, Friday, I now sign temp AG.  I was one of those that bought all the books, read them, and didn't learn a thing.  But your program worked fantastic.  I did the study for a while, then went to the practice tests.  I don't know why it works so well, but it does.  Now I got to try for extra.  P.S. You can use any part of this for proof that it works.” — Bill, N8VWI/AG
  • “I took the test last week and passed with the highest score in the class.  There were men in my class, and they knew radio... I beat their scores!  It was a kick for me to do that.  I studied on my off time as much as I could.” — Ruthe, KE5WUG
  • “I just passed my Extra class license tonight, 3/24/09.  Your help made a very hard learning process a lot easier.  I learned the General in a week and the Extra in a month.  Thank You for a Super Program.” — Ron, W4AXY/AE
  • “Got my Tech July 26.  Got my General August 2.  Both thanks primarily to HamTestOnline.  I found it the most valuable tool for studying.” — Linda, KE5VPI
  • “I took all three elements (2, 3, & 4) on the 19th of November at Columbia University in New York City and passed all three elements, so now I am waiting for my Amateur Extra Class license.  The course works, it is a winner.  I am fortunate to have discovered your website on Google.” — Cheers and 73, David, AB2XZ
  • “I just wanted to let you guys know that all you told me about the program when I talked to you at Dayton is true.  I have wanted to study for the Extra class license for years but didn't have the discipline to do it myself.  I picked up your program while at the Hamvention, came home, and started studying.  I took the Extra exam on June 10th and passed with flying colors.  Thanks to your excellent program, I am now an Extra!!  I couldn't have done it without you.  I will return to the program to study, because I find it very helpful in expanding my ham knowledge, but I'm taking a few weeks off to bask in the pleasure of my recent achievement.  I'm recommending it to others.  It is great!!” — Jim, N0DNY

    “Carpe Diem!  Today is more important than tomorrow!!”
  • “I passed the tech test with 100%!”  — Hank, KG6WSY
  • “When I expressed an interest in obtaining my ham radio license, my ‘OM’ signed me up for your service.  That was 04/10/08.  I had my doubts that I was capable of learning the material, so I put off logging in to study.  After several e-mails from HamTestOnline reminding me that I was not using the service, I finally began studying. On 7/18/08 I passed my Extra Class.  It is a great tool for learning, and I will be forever grateful for your product.  I tell everyone who wants a license or would like to upgrade an existing one to use your product.” — Sue, KJ4DLP
  • “I really enjoy studying on your website and have really taken advantage of all the information and help you provide.  I have taken the FCC exam and not only passed the Technician Exam, I passed the General exam on the SAME DAY!!!  I will continue to use your site to study for the Extra exam.” — Juan, KI6CSK
  • "This is a wondrous opportunity to learn; the way HamTestOnline presents and uses conditional repetition to train me according to my specific problem areas is a miracle.  Not only do I learn the material but it remains with me.  This is not simply a methodology for passing an exam element, but a vehicle for learning.  I aced element 2 and look forward to taking the element 3 exam next week.   I am 62 years old and I've had two strokes.  Memory deficiencies are a significant problem in my life.   HamTestOnline works for me and it will work for anyone that will put in the time.  I purchased the program because of the guarantee - but that's not necessary because the program works.  Congratulations!” — Alfred, KE5SBG
  • “After one week of using your website I passed the Technician and General tests this morning, having missed only 3 out of the total 70 questions.  I am now embarking on doing the same to the Extra class exam.  This was a hell of a lot easier than when I got a General class (that I let expire) over thirty years ago.  Too bad we didn't have the internet in 70's instead of those old boring hard to understand courses.” — Bruce, KB1PRK

    ***UPDATE*** “Just to let you know that I passed the Extra class test this morning two weeks after passing the Technician/General tests.  My score was 47/50 for the Extra, making it only 6 missed out of the total for all three exams.”
  • “I can't say enough good things about HamTestOnline, the adaptive learning with it set to focus on your weak areas really helps.  I used it for Elements Two, Three and Four.  My total for all three Elements was 118/120.” — Everett, KE5MMT (Yahoo Ham Radio Help Group)

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